
Sourdough Jackson

The Lady went out sailing,
She spoke to all She saw,
And all who heard took ship with Her
And signed the sailors' law.
She sailed across the foamy waves,
Her trident in Her hand,
Her throwing-net beside Her,
And little thought of land.
The Lady went out sailing.

Her vessel had a heart of oak,
And hearts of oak her crew,
Her rig was square, five-masted,
Her compass always true.
The mermaids swam before her,
The whales swam in her wake,
The dolphins on her bow-wave,
On any course she'd take.
The Lady went out sailing.

The young and brash Earth-Shaker
Espied the Lady's ship
And vowed he'd have both Lady
And boat beneath his whip.
He hungered to be Sea-Lord;
He took his winged horse
And busked them both for battle,
And dogged the Lady's course.
The Lady went out sailing.

At length, he overtook them,
And lighted on the stern.
He drew his sword for boarding;
He felt his passion burn.
The oaken-hearted crewmaids
Dodged as he swung apace
They made a path before him
To give their Captain space.
The Lady went out sailing.

The Lady stood before him;
He raised his sword to slice.
She stood firm; with Her trident
She smote the deck thrice.
A wrenching seized his belly;
He rushed to the lee side
To puke his guts while laughter
Assailed his godly pride.
The Lady went out sailing.

"And what would you, bold pirate?"
The Lady asked with force.
"I just want off this vessel!"
They led him to his horse.
He mounted to take leave of those
Who at young gods would scoff.
But he'd barely room for landing-
And none for taking off!
The Lady went out sailing.

"You've lost!" cried Amphitrite
Her net stopped his career
"Now-tell me what you came for
You half-baked buccaneer."
"I came to take your crewmaids
And vessel for my fee,
But most of all your maidenhead
And Lordship of the Sea.
The Lady went out sailing.

"I think you're cute", the Lady said
"Too cute to feed to fishes,
"And so that Zeus might call you strong
"I'll grant most of your wishes.
"You may have My net and fork;
"I've better stored below,
"And you may have My oaken car
"To sail where winds might blow."
The Lady went out sailing.

"My crewmaids are not Mine to give,
"But you may call Me wife.
"Our wedding night, Poseidon dear,
"Must last you all your life,
"For you shall rule the Middle Sea
"And none shall take your place,
"But I shall rule the Ocean
"And the boundless deeps of Space."
The Lady went out sailing.

The Lizard King-"I am the Lizard King; I can do anything."(1:104/45.5)

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Quote of the moment:
I prefer to think of them as the Ten Suggestions.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:53:23