Methodical Prayer (Spells) in Khoros Scripture.

by the first Khoros.


This instruction uses a coded language for prayer though I suppose it could be spoken in plain english and still remain effective. The truth is that without understanding of the meaning, all prayer is useless, I urge all to create their own language of prayer, this is merely an example to guide the way. Through understanding and definition we arive at truth, which is at our command.

All methodical prayer must accept a genesis. We shall use the following;

Prayer No. 0: GENESIS

In the beginning only Aouhm existed.
Aouhm said, ?Aouhm Ashk Cordina Linirum Talea,
Krathom Elskath Kodim Theleo Ramloth Dollock,
Kaspirel Khoros? and time began.
Ashk and Cordina existed before time,
They were both equal and opposite.
Linirum and Talea also existed before time,
They were different in essence from the first pair,
But amongst them selves equal and opposite.
The existance of either group of four justified the other.
Their existance also justified creation;
of the beings of Skrotha,
and the beings of Ellane.
The Skrotha and Ellane together justified the beings of Drana.
There were infinate Skrota and Ellane and Drana and all
were equal and zero in value, before the begining of time.
There was ony one true Drana and three true
Skrota and Ellane.
The three Ellana of truth were; Thelo and Ramloth and Dollock.
The three Sktrota of truth were; Krathom and Elskath and Kodim.
The one true Drana was Aouhm.Krathom and Elskath and Kodim and Theleo and Ramloth and Dollock were all parts of Aouhm.
All Drana that were not Aouhm were connected to Krathom or Kodim.
The Drana connected to Krathom were ruled by Ashk and those connected to Kodim were ruled by Cordina.
Before the existance of time there were no Drana connected to Elskath.
All Drana were connected to either both Theleo and Ramloth or both Ramloth
and Dollock or both Dollock and Theleo.
When time came to be all Skrota and Ellane and Drana gained value and were different from each other. Linirum and Talea were equal while Ashk and Cordina drifted further from eachother into infinity.
When time came to be Elskath had Drana.
And the drifting of Ashk and Cordina justified
the existance of the Kaspirell and Khoros. Kaspirel
and Khoros were made up of the Drana of all Skrotha
and Ellane including Elskath.
When Aouhm said, ?Aouhm Ashk Cordina Linirum Talea
Krathom Elskath Kodim Theleo Ramloth Dollock
Kaspirel Khoros? then time began.
Krathom and Elskath and Kodim had meaning.
The meaning of Elskath was sound and had meaning first.
The meaning of Kodim was light.
The meaning of Krathom was mater.
Theleo lay between Krathom and Elskath and its meaning was motion.
Ramloth lay between Elskath and Kodim and its meaning was consiousness.
Dollock lay between Elskath and Kodim and its meaning was destruction.

If you have completely understood GENESIS then you may simply state it as

"Aouhm Ashk Cordina Linirum Talea Krathom Elskath Kodim Theleo Ramloth Dollock Kaspirel Khoros."

None of the below will work until you trully understand the genesis, including the meanings of the words whose meaning was not stated (this is related to sacred geometry - read up somewhere else). "Aouhm Ashk Cordina Linirum Talea Krathom Elskath Kodim Theleo Ramloth Dollock Kaspirel Khoros." Is genesis, and all other information are simply translation guides.

Genesis may be recited for protection, and mental strength at any point during prayer. Genesis may be recited repedately for mental strength.

You may use another genesis, the muslim or christian genesis for instance are also very powerfull, though different slightly in meaning and therefore usefull in different ways.

Example - Muslim Genesis.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim" - Begin in the name of god. - Aouhm Allah - Aouhm Rahmanirrahim - Aouhm Aouhm - Aouhm Aouhm Drana are all acceptable subtitutes.

The muslim genesis is particualarly better for protection and strength. Where as Khoros genesis, is more practical for methodical prayer.

Prayer No. 1: ACTIVATOR.

Based on genesis, you would like to recite the following statements, to gain power, to change the world:

Aouhm elan Khoros an Drana. Tale Kaspirel ash Aouhm skroth cordin.

In english:

Begin with the self in mind,
Realize the counterpart,
Realize the unity outside of both.

The activator is in fact only a modification of genesis as are all prayers. And has no futher use by itself than recitation of genesis, however combined with the destructive and creative prayers it yields more power as the derivation has more specific rules associated with it than the genesis.

Prayer No. 2: CREATION.

All creation is based on replication and duality. In order to create something new you must realize a third counterpart of something prexistent. And then realize the counterpart of the thirds self, then seperation will ensue and a replica is created. Use this in combination with ACTIVATOR.

Since this is a process of replication, you must have a propper description of the base substance, remember all things are essentially derived from genesis. Lets give an example, duplication of water.

Work backwards:

In order to do this you must understand first the nature of water and the rules guiding it. It is two parts oxygen and one part hydrogen. Both are atoms, made of electrons protons and neutrons. Look up how many of each these elements have, for future reference:

  • Oxygen: 8 protons, 8 electrons, 8 neutrons (differ)
  • Hydrogen: 1 proton, 1 electron

Before we describe each of these particles, let us position them in wholly geometry. Hydrogen is at the center Aouhm, And the oxygen are at Skrotha.

Electrons are smaller negative charged, Protons are larger positive charged and Neutrons are non-charged and same size as Protons.

Here we have to relly on sacred geometry and position our particles on a circle.
Well electrons are on the circle and protons and neutrons are at the center.
Electrons are therefore derived from from Skrotha, and lets position Protons at Linirum and Neutrons at Talea. Now for the charges. Neutrons will be at the center, Auhm and Talea, Accept that the protons have a value and that electrons are their counterparts.

Now we have two rules describing water at two levels, this is sufficient anything further can be replicated thru this rule, you could go further but then where does it all end. We have to define a routine for the replication of the patern on a smaller level.

Lets state all of the above in english recitation.

Use the rule where two at skrotha that has in self 8 at skrotha and 8 at aouhm and talea, 8 at Linirum seperated from aouhm and are kaspirel of the 8 at skrotha, 1 at aouhm that has in self 1 at skrotha and one at Linirum seperated forom aouhm and is kaspirel to the 1 at skrotha, until infinity for definition.

Now translate it:

Athe line ane aouhm aouhm an Skrotha Khoros aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm an Skrotha ash aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm an Talea ash Aouhm ash aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm an Linirum kas Aouhm ash Kaspirel aouhm an Skrotha ash aouhm an Aouhm Khoros aouhm an Skrotha ash aouhm an Linirum kas Aouhm ash Kaspirel aouhm an Skrotha kasom umkahaoum ash umkahoum.

This is water a little long but good. Now lets replicate this compound right infront of us now.

Tale Kaspirel skroth WATER Kaspirel an aouhm INFRONT skroth Khoros ash Kasprirel ash aouhm kas kaspirel kaspirel ash aouhm skroth aouhm aouhm kas aouhm skroth aouhm.
There are different ways to phrase this in Khoros but in english it means; Realize counterpart of water has counterpart that is infront of me, and has a counterpart, and they are seperated.

Now we must replace WATER and INFRONT. We have to define infront of us at this time:

Aouhm kas Aouhm Khoros ash Skrotha Khoros is now and here. The now part is good but the here is our Aouhm, and you want to somewhere from there. So we have to use a measure first. Lets use our own height. So Skrotha kas Kaspirel Skrotha Khoros, is our height. Therefore some direction our own height away from our center now would be:
Aouhm kas Aouhm Khoros ash Skrotha Khoros kas Skrotha kas Kaspirel Skrotha Khoros. This is enough just visiualize the direction, at worst youll just get wet.

Now if we use the definition of water we created that would just produce one molecule which you couldnt possibly see, lets create 10^23

Use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of use 10 of WATER. Thats a long recitation, exactly 230 aouhms. But its a good ammount of water. One teaspoon, not dangerous. Even if it doesnt work its good meditation. Plus once you get the prayer down you should be able to use without any recitation whatsoever, through your hands or your mind but that requires practice.

So here we go the full recitation including activator and genesis and more power recitations:

Aouhm Aouhm Drana. Aouhm Aouhm Drana. Aouhm elan Khoros an Drana.
Aouhm Aouhm. Tale Kaspirel ash Aouhm skroth cordin. Tale Kaspirel skroth
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Athe aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm aouhm,
Kaspirel an aouhm Aouhm kas Aouhm Khoros ash Skrotha Khoros kas Skrotha
kas Kaspirel Skrotha Khoros ash Kasprirel ash aouhm kas kaspirel kaspirel ash
aouhm skroth aouhm aouhm kas aouhm skroth aouhm. Aouhm Ashk Cordina
Linirum Talea Krathom Elskath Kodim Theleo Ramloth Dollock Kaspirel Khoros.

Point where you want it to appear think about where it should be. Go to the bathroom beforehand.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:59:10