A Witch's Thoughts on Halloween

Cecylyna Brightsword

Most people celebrate Halloween as a children's holiday of candy and costumes. However, I will be celebrating tonight as Samhain ("Sow-wen"), the Celtic New Year, the night for remembering loved ones past and looking toward the future. For I am a Neo-pagan, a follower of the Old Religion, a Wiccan. I am a Witch.

There are probably as many definitions of Wicca as there are practitioners of the Craft-one of the joys of this path is that there is no "one, true way"; intuition is as valuable as teaching. This then is my personal definition of what Wicca is to me.

First, what Wicca is not is devil-worship. Wiccans don't believe in an entity of all-evil. (I personally don't believe in evil per se; all evil is simply a perversion or excess of something that is good when present in a proper balance.)

Wicca is a religion based on experience of Deity as male and female. It is pantheistic-seeing all things as part of God/dess, and seeing the Earth Herself as a living organism of whom we are part. It is also a religion of immanence-seeing God/dess present in each of us and in the world around us, not "out there somewhere" but part of daily life.

Wiccans celebrate eight major holidays, or Sabbats-the beginning and midpoint of each season. We also celebrate the phases of the moon: some only celebrate the full moon while others celebrate full, waxing, and new moons. Each of these rituals helps keep us in touch with Nature. These celebrations are in small groups usually called circles, covens, or groves and are usually led by a Priestess, and often a Priest. Some groups share duties and avoid titles.

Wicca is also a "Craft". We practice magic through chants, visualizations and spells, all to focus our will on something we want to happen. We believe that everything we do, good or ill, comes back to us tripled, which is why we don't "hex" or "curse" anyone. We also believe that many psychic talents are real and simply haven't been studied enough by science to be catalogued as such.

Wiccans for the most part accept reincarnation, not as dogma to be believed, but as fact based on personal experience. Many of us remember past lives. As one who has studied science, I know that every atom of my body once was part of something else, and I am continually losing atoms that become part of others. Knowing this, it makes sense that my soul also is "recycled".

Wicca is a positive philosophy. The only "law" is 'An it harm none, do as ye will": Enjoy life to its fullest, and remember to help everyone else enjoy it as well. Wiccans don't preach; Wiccans don't evangelize. Everyone has to find his/her own path, and we welcome the diversity this brings.

So tonight, when you dress up as a "wicked witch", know that there are "good witches" celebrating as well. Know that I and thousands like me throughout the world are celebrating the cycles of life through the dance of the Lord and the Lady, trying to make this world we all share a little brighter through our cauldron fires in the darkness. Know we are not out to convert you; know we mean you no harm. All we ask for is understanding, tolerance, and the freedom to practice as we choose.

Blessed Be,
Cecylyna Brightsword
High Priestess, Thalia Clan
PO Box 681092 × Indianapolis, IN 46268-1092 × (317) 579-3083

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Quote of the moment:
Anything not nailed down is mine. Anything I can pry loose is not nailed down.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:44:16