The Pagan Library

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"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."
--George Washington Carver

There is more than one path to the truth and it is not always in plain sight... Here are articles, stories, music and various thoughts on what it is to be Neo-Pagan.

Some people may be offended by the prospect of Satanic rituals propagating across the 'Net, PAGANISM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SATANISM! 'nuff said.

Besides, nobody's forcing you to browse these pages and possibly learn something... ;-)

Many of these pages came to me as part of a Book of Shadows. If the original author wishes to have their work removed, I will understand and do my best to have it removed within the week. Simply e-mail me and it will be done.

Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again...


Submission Guidelines

Golden key campaign

Resist censorship!

For complete books, including Banned Books On-Line, please visit:

On-Line Books Page

Fast Forward
Kindly Pagans, White Supremacists Hold Dueling Gatherings In Southern State Park

Keep the Faith
Young black women are leaving Christianity and embracing African witchcraft

CBN News
Atlanta Church Hires Psychic Medium to Minister to Congregation

The Week
The princess of Norway and her shaman lover

Religion News Service
Getting in on - and tossed out of - the Satanist Temple joke - Religion News Service

More Articles

Quote of the moment:
Never stand in front of a sneezing dragon.

This site has received hits since Aug 4, 2000

The entire content of all public pages in The Pagan Library (graphics, text and HTML) are free information, released under the terms of the GPL. All copyrighted items mentioned are the property of their respective owners, and no form of ownership or endorsement is implied.

Last modified: August 19 2018 14:52:47