Goddess Grace

(c) 1993 Mariel

I am the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All Her gifts are mine.
All Her powers reside in me.

I am Athena of Greece.
Like my totem the owl, I am wise
for I see and hear everything around and within me.
Like the oak, I am strong, for the olive of peace is sacred to me.

I am Bast, cat goddess of Egypt.
I am graceful, flexible, playful, and affectionate.
I radiate the warmth and light of the glorious sun.

I am Cerridwen of Wales.
My magic cauldron contains food for the soul,
an inexhaustible source of wisdom and inspiration.
The more I give, the more I receive.

I am Diana, Roman goddess of the ever-changing moon.
I am a protectress of women and children,
a guardian of the wild.
I focus my aim on my heart's desire and draw it to me.

I am Ereshkigal, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of the underworld,
Queen of the Great Below.
I shed dead skin to grow.
Deep powers of renewal are mine.

I am Freya, Well-beloved Nordic Lady.
I survey the beauty of my world in joyous flight.
I celebrate and honor the bonds between friends and lovers.

I am Gaia, Greek Earth Mother.
Grounded and centered in the rhythms and patterns of chaos,
I emerge to create my universe.

I am Hecate of Greece.
Triple Goddess of the crossroads of choice.
I balance my powers of thought and emotion.
I choose the path I walk.
The torch of my reason is illumined by my brilliant intuition.

I am Isis, Egyptian Queen of the World.
I offer healing and transformation to all in need.
I hold the power to shape my world.

I am Jagad-Yoni, Hindu universal yoni, womb of the world.
I am the gatekeeper of the next generation.
I choose the life that emerges through me.
I use my power wisely.

I am Kwan-Yin of Buddhist China, goddess of compassion.
I hear and comfort the wounds of the world.
I welcome children and teach the magic of change.

I am Liban, Irish mermaid goddess.
I revel in the healing power of pleasure.
Quench your thirst at my sacred well.

I am Maat of Egypt.
Truth, justice and law are the natural order of my universe.
Harmony arises as I attune to my divine will.

I am Nu-Kua, Chinese dragon-tailed creatress.
I restore the cosmic equilibrium.
I form community among women and men,
connecting in equality, love and respect.

I am Old Spider goddess of Micronesia.
I created the moon, the sea, the sky, the sun,
and the earth from a simple clamshell.
All the vast and varied universe is present in the smallest form of
As above, so below.
As within, so without.

I am Pele, Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes.
My fiery energy erupts from my core to create new worlds.
I flow easily over obstacles in my path.

I am Qedeshet of Syria.
I balance lightly on the lion I ride.
Laughter lifts me from the pull of gravity.
The lotus blossoms I hold and the serpents I carry
Symbolize the life and health I bring.

I am Rhiannon, horsewoman, Divine Queen of Wales.
My steady pace is swift and smooth.
I travel freely through my world, safe, serene and secure.
My winged friends can wake the dead
And lull the living to sleep.

I am Sedna of the Inuit.
Know and honor me through my animals.
Bears, whales and seals,
All creatures of the land and sea are part of me.
We share the right to be.

I am Tiamat of Babylon, primordial sea-serpent.
I am the great mother womb
Who brought forth the earth and heavens.
I dive deep into the watery unconscious to find the treasures buried

I am Uttu, Chaldean-Sumerian goddess of weaving and vegetation.
I offer shelter and nourishment to all who know me.
We feed and clothe each other through our work.

I am Vasudhara, Hindu goddess of abundance.
My six arms hold everything you need and offer it to you.
Earth Water Fire Air Center Spirit
Purpose Love Passion Wisdom Here Now.

I am White Winged Woman of Honduras.
I descend from heaven to build my temple on earth
and return as a glorious bird.
I honor and express my true spirit.
My beauty is beyond my compare.

I am Xochiquetzal, Aztec goddess of flowers, love,
spinning, weaving, singing, and dancing.
I am an Original Woman.
I delight in sharing my many gifts.

I am Yemaya, Nigerian Fish Mother, Brazilian Voodoo mermaid.
Lakes, rivers and oceans are my home.
The waters of life belong to me.
We cleanse and sustain each other.

I am Zoe, Gnostic Aeon of Life.
Mother of All Living.
I am the embodiment of growth and vitality.
I am unique life energy.

I am the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All Her gifts are mine.
All Her powers reside in me.

We are the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All our gifts are mine.
All our powers reside in me.

You are the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All my gifts are thine.
All my powers reside in thee.

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Quote of the moment:
Murphy's law only fails when you try to demonstrate it.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:54:11